Hey there folks! I'm dusting off this blog, but things are going to change, so I am giving you a chance to remove me from your reader if it won't be to your style.
I'm tossing aside the books only format - even though I love books, and reading them and sharing my opinions, they are also my day job. As a librarian I spend a LOT of time thinking and talking about books, and sometimes I just can't bring myself to spend additional time writing about them.
So, this will be a general, life-type blog. Whee! I am keeping the title, because books will still be a big part of it - and now the bookshelf will simply be even more scattered! Just the way I like it (at home.)
So feel free to unfollow, no hard feelings! And if you don't catch this post, and wonder later why you're getting non-book blog posts... sorry!
Change is good. Looking forward to seeing your new content. =)