Friday, January 14, 2011

Follow Friday & Book Blogger Hop

Here we go! This week's hop question:

 "Why do you read the genre that you do?  What draws you to it?"
Well, I read a lot of genres, so I'm not really sure how to answer! I don't really classify YA as a genre - it's just a designation that covers books of all genres, such as fantasy, romance and mysteries. As I mentioned in last week's Follow Friday post, I read fantasy because I stole my older brothers' books from their room. I also read mysteries because those are the books my mother read, so they were around the house! Turns out my literary preferences are totally based on proximity. Although my dad read biographies and historical non-fiction and that never caught on. Heh. But truly, I'll read any genre if a book catches my fancy. Fantasy draws me because of the infinite possibilities and creative worlds, mysteries draw me because of the puzzles involved and the satisfaction of wrongs being righted, and romances draw me because there are few things more interesting that how and why people meet and fall in love. People are amazing, and good romances are in-depth examinations of two people! 

A personal question for the Follow Friday fun today:

What makes up your non-human family??


I've always had cats as pets. Growing up we always had two together, but now that I have full responsibility for vet appointments and litter box cleaning, we've downsized to one. Azriel is gray and very quirky and sweet. He startles ridiculously easily, he hides from thunderstorms and small children, and he is very funny. He has transitioned very well to a world with little kids around, and put up with it very well when Malcolm's favorite game became chasing him around the house while shrieking like a banshee. He's never scratched or bitten and has been a saint while we teach Malcolm the meaning of the words "gentle pats."


  1. Oh my gosh, Malcolm is a cutie!

    I'm with you on preferred genres...I'm partial to fantasy and paranormal, and I don't really think YA is a genre, in and of itself.

    Happy Friday, Karen! :)

  2. Just hopping by via the Hop. I do love YA books, even thought I agree with what you said about them. It's just a category that covers nultiple genres. I have to say, so far I haven't found one YA book I haven't at least liked haha. Hope you'll hop over to my blog!

    Happy Reading! : )

  3. That's what I love about fantasy too - the infinite possibilities. You can bend the rules! Excellent way of describing the appeal!

    Happy Hop Day!
    Megan @ Read It, See It

  4. Hopping by to say hello! I read a bit of everything, as well. :)

  5. I said exactly the same about reading YA but not really seeing it as a genre. In fact what I love about it is reading across a range of genres!

  6. Hello,
    Happy Friday I'm just stopping by for Follow Friday and the hop. I can't believe its Friday already but I hope you have a fabulous weekend and get lots of reading done.

    Romance Book Junkies

  7. Awe, your cat is adorable! [:
    I love how he hides from thunderstorms. haha
    My Dog does the same as well haha.
    but she likes to jump on us while shaking.

    Stopping by from
    Happy reading =D

  8. Just hopping through and hoping you're enjoying your weekend so far. You can find my HOP answer and FEVERfest recap at The Bookish Snob I'm also a new follower!

  9. I'm a pretty eclectic reader too (at least within the category of YA) - you give some great reasons for why each genre appeals to you!

    A Tapestry of Words

  10. hello! new follower! i also agree that YA is not a genre it catagorizes differnet genres. you can find me here if youd like
