Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Talk to me Tuesday #4

This week's question: Do you have any specific literary pet-peeves in the genres you read and why?

In YA, I get really frustrated by love-at-first-sight, we'll be together forever love stories. That's one of the reasons that Amy and Roger's Epic Detour was on my best list for last year - such a realistic and likable love story!

And in series, I despise when love triangles are dragged out beyond all semblance of reason because they want to write more books. Case in point - the Janet Evanovich books. Dude. It is utterly ridiculous that we are supposed to care about who Stephanie ends up with after 16 books. It drives me nuts.

Talk to Me Tuesday is hosted by Melissa at i swim for oceans.


  1. 16 books?!?!?! Good Lord! I would give up before I ever got that far in the series! You know, love triangles can be done well...truly, they can. However, so many of them are bland and formulaic these days, and that's my main issue with them.

    Great answer, Karen, and thanks for participating! :)
